
Friday, 27 June 2014

It's A Positive Week; Week 13, (My third 21st)

This week has been a week of positivity.
Bilateral Quadriceps Tendon RuptureBilateral Quadriceps Tendon RuptureSaturday 21st: Was my Birthday lunch at Westbeach, to those who do not know the restaurant its a nice little eatery specialising in fish. See the link: Got a cab down and walked back, I must be getting better. But as Hayley my physio says don't push it Mark. Remember its watching the grass grow. It was my third 21st, last Wednesday the 18th.

It was a great day, Lynne and Johnny came, and Andy Price bought me a really great bottle of wine, trouble is the 'La Paz' I normally have, wont cut the rug any more cheers Andy. It was in his plan to make me spend more when I'm there. And that's most Saturdays. 

After lunch and as I had heard that the Uk ladies volleyball championships were on, I thought it only right and proper to go take a look. It was quite stimulating in a perverted sort of way.
Bilateral Quadriceps Tendon Rupture

Sunday 22nd: Was hangover day, or rather walking in treacle day. Too much wine and whisky.

Monday 23rd: Physio day, all is going well at week 13. I have the required range of movement (ROM) for this stage in my rehab. Walked there and back, did my first bit of shopping on my own. Only three things but its the small stuff that matters. A little bit more independence. They all add up, to eventually make a normal life again.

Tuesday 24th: Bit of a Groundhog day, went for a walk for two hours, mind you it would normally have taken me 15 minutes. Oh yes so many people have said I should take legal advice over my accident, so I have decided to do something about it. Well it's not so easy as you might think. There are a hundred and one,'s, Accidents for, but in reality there just ambulance chasers. So I contacted a local highly recommended firm of Solicitors; Ellis Jones.

Well to start with you have to do everything for them. I need pictures with measurements, do I have legal cover, I need to write a statement of fact. Oh and am I whom I say I am, well hello, whom the fuck do you think I am. Mark Darcy? Apparently I might want to launder money! What money would that be? I'm having a hard time laundering my clothes. So I'm going to cause myself a major trauma just so I can launder a few bob? Really! So now courtesy of a few of my friends in the office, who went on a 100 mile round trip to obtain the photos for me. That would be Louise and Megan thank you. I now have put to getter a 50 page A4 bound booklet on the whole incident, and you just know it's not going to enough. So watch this space.

Bilateral Quadriceps Tendon RuptureOne other thing, bear this in mind, No Win No Fee really does not exist. There's if we win there's you don't have to pay the fee. Well you do, it comes out of your  settlement.

And also remember you are only going to get what you have lost, so some of that is going to the solicitor, there not doing it for free and their costs are astronomic. So what happens if you lose, your solicitor does not get paid, but what about the other side. Of course, there will be costs and they can run into tens of thousands of pounds, and who is going to pay the others sides costs. You got it; me. So it's not so cut and dried. So I've started down the road we see where it takes us. Up to now the injury has cost me directly about two thousand pounds, so I have no alternative to make a claim. See picture of the spot I went arse over tit on.

Wednesday 25th: End of my birthday week, yes I'm greedy always have a birthday week. Didn't go out today not been feeling well.

Thursday 26th: Physio again today, 105 degrees of ROM in my right, and 94 in my left. Its coming on and only another two weeks till I see my consultant, then hopefully I can start doing some strength exercises. Walked there and back again. On my way back I picked up the bound booklet from the printer. Once I have a large enough envelope I can get it sent to them, you never know they may take me seriously. I bet Derek Jacobi is not having these problems.

Friday 27th: Its been a groundhog day today, weather is a bit dreary. One bit of good news, for the first time I managed to walk down Richmond Hill. That's the hill I live at the top of, and its steep. I am so pleased with myself, its a real step forward. Well that's all for this week. Have a good weekend and I'll be posting next Friday.
Another bit of advice: Buy legal insurance it will save you in the end.
One other thing, I've been posting to my other blog all week, if you like to be titillated go to:

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